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Day: March 16, 2021

First full year results of the Vienna PV system

A new, foil-based PV system is being tested on the roof of a Vienna metro station by Wiener Linien. This kind of PV system is much lighter than the conventional one because of the lack of a metal frame. The green energy is directly fed into the stations’ energy grid: the system is used to power metro station auxiliaries. The test started on 14th January 2020 and is continuously monitored.

Photo: PV system on the roof of a metro station (Wiener Linien)


The PV system with a nominal power of 60 kWp generated 58.377 kWh green energy in the first full year of operation; that is 5.7% of the station’s yearly energy consumption. The table below summarises key data about the PV installation, such as the amount of the CO2-savings.

Photo: Main results of the first full year (Wiener Linien)

The generated green energy is up to 10% of the metro-station’s monthly energy demand in Spring and Summer months. On the strongest days, the PV system can supply up to 50% of the station’s energy need.


Regarding the feasibility, the Wiener Linien pilot project covers all obstacles (e.g. weight, electrical earthing) other potential locations of mobility providers equally struggle with. Due to the excellent experience at this metro station, Wiener Linien is currently checking other metro stations for the possibility of installing a PV system. The goal is to install a PV system on as many stations as possible, to use as much green energy as possible for powering the auxiliaries of the stations. But with a view to the financial aspect, Wiener Linien will use conventional PV-Systems where it is possible, as its costs are lower.

Source: Interreg EfficienCE

Author of the article: Wiener Linien

Cover photo: Wiener Linien

LOW-CARB proudly presents its pilots & strategies handbooks

Planning for integrated and low-carbon mobility for public transport was at the heart of the LOW-CARB project. This was achieved when planners in municipalities, public transport authorities, and private companies joined forces to cooperate beyond their respective administrative, departmental, and organizational boundaries.

Our two newly released handbooks elaborate on how we created good planning practices in our pilot measures and development of IT-based tools, and provide strategic approaches to governance and data-based planning for practitioners.

Learn about our low carbon pilot measures and their potential for transferability: Read now in EN » (also available in all central European languages here)

Explore strategic approaches to governance and data-based planning for low-carbon mobility. Read now in EN » (also soon available in all central European languages).

Hello to SUMP in Bosnia and Herzegowina!

Nerman Palic is a researcher and lecturer at the University in Sarajevo and at the “CEPS-Center for Business Studies” in Kiseljak, where he works at the Faculty of Transport and Communications. “My area of interest is sustainable urban mobility and all the concepts on which it is based, such as the development and promotion of the use of urban public transport, traffic safety, planning, and environmental awareness in traffic.” We are happy to have you on board at the SUMP-Central, especially as we can link to your website where you promote the concept of sustainable urban mobility planning in Bosnia and Herzegowina in local language.  

Új MaaS útmutató magyarul

Mobilitás mint szolgáltatás (MaaS) és fenntartható városi mobilitástervezés címmel új tematikus útmutató jelent meg magyarul, a SUMP Útmutató második kiadásához kapcsolódó kiadványok egyikeként. Bemutatja a MaaS koncepcióját és azt, hogy miért fontos beépíteni a fenntartható városi mobilitási terv (SUMP) folyamatba.

A Mobilitás mint szolgáltatás (MaaS) a városi döntéshozók és tervezők értékes segítője lehet mobilitási céljaik elérése során, mivel számos különböző közlekedési formát integrál egyetlen igény szerint használható mobilitási szolgáltatásban. Ez a szakmai tájékoztató megadja a szükséges elemeket a MaaS rendszer megértéséhez a MaaS bevezetése iránt érdeklődő városok számára, segít felmérni az adott város felkészültségi szintjét, valamint feltárni a lehetséges működési és üzemeltetési lehetőségeket és modelleket.

A tematikus útmutatót az ERTICO – ITS Europe, a MaaS Szövetség házigazdája dolgozta ki, a magyar kiadást a Mobilissimus gondozta a Dynaxibility4CE projekt keretében.