SUMP Central

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Good Practices


Brno, Czech Republic


Central Europe


Medium-sized city


Collective passenger transports


10.1 Coordinate implementation of actions


Brno is the second largest city in the Czech Republic with about 370,000 inhabitants and about 80,000 students. Brno has developed several separate topical plans for various transport modes. The city brings all strategies and plans together and prepared Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan which was approved by Brno City Council in September 2018. Under the LOW-CARB project the Action plan was prepared with developing and using new monitoring tool.

Activity description

The City of Brno developed a SUMP monitoring tool for Action plan preparation. This tool is spatial database (GIS) and contains information about all investments from the Action plan (budget, year of realization, etc.) and allows detailed analysis of these data. It is used by both the experts and public. Experts (mostly stakeholders) use the tool for managing plan implementation. The tool allows cooperation for all the stakeholders over one platform simultaneously, so there is significant time saving and better coordination of the implementation. Public can use the application both as a source of information about SUMP implementation and in the near future as a tool for the participation on it.

Lessons learnt

The cooperation between experts and public is beneficial for Action plan and for whole SUMP too. Online spatial platform allows the best coordination of the implementation with the quickest public awareness and response. It is important to prepare and train the experts to work with the spatial database, it is not common knowledge. The publicity for significant public response and participation is essential too.


The process of Brno SUMP monitoring tool development lasted about one year. It can be established that the costs of the engagement and communication activities are around 50.000 EUR.